It used to be when you bought your John Deere it was yours. Through the years, though, it seems the power has shifted to the corporations.

Success depended upon employee and customer satisfaction. For a while in America, corporations valued their employees and once competed for customers to buy their products. Undoubtedly, a sea-change has occurred in the last few decades between the American middle class and Big Business. Until then, here are a few anecdotes from an American Nobody at the end of things: John Deere and the Gilded Age of Dickens In the snake’s system, the tail is “everything” but the head, of course, will be digested last. Until, finally, its Covid teeth are chewing up Main Street and entire U.S. Eventually, it consumed sovereign governments and international corporations. The Creature from Jekyll Island grew out of the banking system and swallowed Wall Street.

The plandemic has conveniently shielded elite bankers who blew up the economic balloons in the first place and, now, the nation is being foreclosed upon as the systemic blisters burst. Of course, fractional reserve banking is never discussed as Covid is to be blamed for the deflation of the Everything Bubble.
You must burn the rope newegg free#
The methodology is nothing new: Government creates problems so government can solve problems and to music played by Pied Pipers as the Mockingbird Media sing to the Pied Piper’s tune: “ Inflation is caused by supply chain problems which were caused by Covid and this why people must receive free money from the government and ALL of these problems will disappear if EVERYONE would just get vaccinated so the economy can be fully reopened.” America’s precipitous fall resembles the implosion of Building 7 on September 11, 2001: Slowly, then quickly. What has been astonishing, however, is how completely pervasive, and successful, the Covid deception has been in collapsing American society. The degree of destruction we have experienced over the past 12 months was predictable. Forgetting that Trump received more votes than any other president in history and Sleepy Joe was said to have received even more votes with the winning margins secured in those Democrat-controlled precincts – the unbelievable irony is now this: Those who believe Biden is a legitimate president consider those who disagree with that consensus as believers of “The Big Lie”.

That was when a handful of Democrat Party controlled precincts, in Democrat Party controlled cities, in key electoral swing states, all stopped counting votes in the middle of the night. It’s been a year and a few days since The Great Reset officially began on November 3, 2020. Unfortunately, the tail is the entire world and it was devoured slow and sure: banking, Wall Street, sovereign governments, international corporations, and, now, Main Street and entire populations around the globe. There is no denying the Creature from Jekyll Island is a snake eating its own tail. You say, ‘I am rich I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. His fortitude is already tested and he maintains a mind unconquered in the face of either condition: for in the midst of prosperity he has tried his own strength against adversity.

But the man who is not puffed up in good times does not collapse either when they change. Those who loved her gifts as if they were their own forever, who wanted to be admired on account of them, are laid low and grieve when the false and transient pleasures desert their vain and childish minds, ignorant of every stable pleasure. No man has been shattered by the blows of Fortune unless he was first deceived by her favours.